Monday, April 26, 2010

Important Thunderstruck Competition Info.

***Please put your number on your CD/w Studio code of 19F - either on a sticker or with a sharpie

Please check all your costume pieces and all accessories prior to competition day (tights, shoes, hats, jewelry, etc.). Several things were left behind on picture day. If you are missing any items, check with the office ASAP! It is very hectic on competition day!

If you leave at any time during the competition, make sure you arrive back on time at least ONE HOUR prior to scheduled performance time. This competition may run ahead of schedule.

Please stay for awards and remember to be in FULL warm-ups! GOOD LUCK to everyone!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thunderstruck Schedule April 30-May 1

Thunderstruck Schedule
April 30 - May 1

West High School
241 N. 300 W., Salt Lake City

**Please be advised that the times listed are ESTIMATED division start times. The divisions may continue performing throughout the day due to costume changes. Please be an hour early to your first routine, check the running time and Program. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE A GREAT TIME!!

***Please put your number on your CD/w Studio code of 19F - Either on a sticker or sharpie

Friday, April 30 - Teen Solos/Senior Groups/Solos/Duets
4:30 p.m. Doors Open
5:39 p.m. (14) Kendee Sanders
5:57 p.m. (20) Andria Johnson
6:03 p.m. (22) Bailee Barnard
6:18 p.m. (27) Berklee Moss
6:30 p.m. (31) Jordin White
6:36 p.m. (33) Robyn Klein
6:51 p.m. (38) McKaila Carter
7:00 p.m. (41) Jacey Gray
7:15 p.m. (46) Savannah Lancaster
7:28 p.m. (50) Against the Glass (Sr. Company)
7:40 p.m. (54) Sing, Sing, Sing (Sr. Ballroom)
8:13 p.m. (65) Amber Williams (Jazz)
8:22 p.m. (68) Amber Williams (Lyrical)
8:34 p.m. (72) Brandee Barker
8:43 p.m. (75) Nicest Thing (Sr. Company)
8:49 p.m. (77) McKenzie Gardner
9:19 p.m. (87) Campbell/Amber
9:37 p.m. (93) Bleeding Love (Sr. Combined)

Saturday, May 1 - Petite Solos/Groups
8:15 a.m. (100) Alicia Rodriguez
8:18 a.m. (101) Daisy Hadfield
8:21 a.m. (102) Kenidee Allen
8:27 a.m. (104) Mira Spendlove
9:21 a.m. (122) Boyfriend (Petite Company)
9:27 a.m. (124) I Can't Say No (Ogden Mini Company)
9:34 a.m. (126) Show Off (Brigham Mini Company)
(127) Grease Lightning (Ogden Mini Prep) - Moved to 8:00 a.m. ARRIVE AT 7:30
9:40 a.m. (128) Cows (Tiny Prep)
9:46 a.m. (130) Never Had a Friend (Tiny Company)
9:50 a.m. (131) The Climb (Ogden Mini Company)
9:53 a.m. (132) Fly to Your Heart (Brigham Mini Company)
(133) Dream (Ogden Mini Prep) - Moved to 8:00 a.m. ARRIVE AT 7:30
9:59 a.m. (134) Shine (Tiny Prep)
(141) Puttin on the Ritz (Ogden Jr. Squad) Moved to 8:00 a.m. ARRIVE AT 7:30
10:32 a.m. (143) My Momma Told Me (Petite Company)
10:44 a.m. (146) Fields of Gold (Petite Company)
10:48 a.m. (147) Feelings (Tiny Company)
10:52 a.m. (148) Jump (Petite Company)
11:15 a.m. (153) Double Dutch Bus (Mini Funk)
11:30 a.m. PETITE AWARDS
12:00 p.m. LUNCH BREAK

12:30 p.m. Junior Solos/Small, Large & Line Groups
12:36 p.m. (156) Kaylee Nelson
1:21 p.m. (171) Addison Bell
1:27 p.m. (173) Ellie Hadfield
1:36 p.m. (176) Kaitlyn Calcut
1:39 p.m. (177) Lauren Cardon
1:48 p.m. (180) Kylee Allen
2:03 p.m. (185) Taylor Bell
2:09 p.m. (187) Rylie Shepherd
2:40 p.m. (196) Cuban Pete (Ogden Jr. Ballroom)
3:09 p.m. (205) Dance Class (Trio)
3:29 p.m. (210) Bye Bye Blackbird (Brigham Mini Company)
3:35 p.m. (212) I'm Hip (Jr. Company 2)
3:41 p.m. (214) Save You (Brigham Jr. Company)
3:47 p.m. (216) Turn World Around (Ogden Jr. Company)
3:50 p.m. (217) Wonderful World (Brigham Mini Company)
3:53 p.m. (218) Secret (Ogden Jr. Company)
3:57 p.m. (219) Eyes Wide Open (Jr. Company 2)
4:06 p.m. (222) Bora Bora (Hula Class)
4:12 p.m. (224) Glamorous (Brigham Mini Company)
4:15 p.m. (225) Friends Could See (Brigham Jr. Company)
4:31 p.m. (230) Paranoid (Brigham Jr. Company)
4:35 p.m. (231) **The Queen (Ogden Jr. Company) **Costume change - go on when ready!
4:43 p.m. (233) Greatest Star (Ogden Jr. Prep)
4:59 p.m. (237) Voice Within (Ogden Jr. Prep)
5:11 p.m. (240) He Wants to Cha Cha (Brigham Jr. Ballroom)
5:15 p.m. (241) **LA Girls (Ogden Jr. Funk) **Costume change - go on when ready!
5:19 p.m. (242) Push It (Ogden Funk)
6:30 p.m. DINNER BREAK

7:12 p.m. (250) The Interrogation (Brigham Teen Company)
7:18 p.m. (252) Sweet Dreams (Brigham Teen Prep)
7:37 p.m. (258) Dark Road (Brigham Teen Company)
7:40 p.m. (259) All Forgotten (Ogden Sr. Funk)
7:59 p.m. (265) When She Cries (Brigham Teen Prep)
8:14 p.m. (270) Run (Ogden Sr. Company)
8:26 p.m. (274) 7 Nation Army (Teen Company 2)
8:38 p.m. (277) Ladies Hit the Dance Floor (Combined)
8:45 p.m. (278) **Hand that Feeds (Combined) **Costume change - go on when ready!
8:53 p.m. (280) Let it Be (Ogden Sr. Squad)
9:01 p.m. (282) Hometown Glory (Ogden Teen Company)
9:09 p.m. (284) Red Right Ankle (Teen Company 2)
9:29 p.m. (289) Already Gone (Ogden Teen Company)
9:33 p.m. (290) Bass Drops (Brigham Funk Company)
9:55 p.m. (294) All That Jazz (Production) Please make sure you arrive by 9:00
10:10 p.m. Teen Awards

Competition schedule was also e-mailed for a printable version

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rehearsal Schedule for Monday, April 26

4:00-5:00 Turn Your World Around
4:00-5:00 Teen Turns
4:00-6:00 Against the Glass (Alan's new)
5:00-7:00 Queen, LA Girls, Secret
5:00-7:00 Teens Rehearsal
6:00-7:00 Bleeding Love
7:00-8:00 Hand that Feeds (Liz's)
7:00-8:00 Teen Technique
8:00-9:00 Production (Everyone)
9:00-9:30 Ladies Hit the Dance Floor (Alan's)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Upcoming Schedule

Reminder: No classes will be held at the Brigham Studio Monday and Tuesday, April 19 & 20, during Spring Break, with the EXCEPTION OF BALLROOM. Junior and Senior Ballroom classes will be held at usual times.

REHEARSALS FOR COMBINED ROUTINES will be held at the Ogden Studio Monday, April 19, on regular schedule.

PRODUCTION REHEARSAL for EVERYONE Monday, April 19, 8-9:30 p.m.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Production on Monday

Production for everyone Monday, April 12, from 8-9:30 p.m.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Time/Admission Correction for Falcette Revue

Please note the Falcette Revue on Thursday, May 6, at Clearfield High starts at 6:00 p.m. instead of 6:30. Be there ready to go in your costume by 5:15. Admission info. has also been updated. Cost is $5 for everyone 5 and older, children under 5 are free.

Thanks :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pictures/Performance/Recital Updates


Picture Days - Classes will NOT be held during photo days at either studio, with the exception of Ballroom. JR & SR BALLROOM will be held as regularly scheduled. Please come with your hair & make-up done in the style of your choice. Pictures will be in Jazz costume unless you have been told differently by your teacher! Flyers have been sent home with each student and you must return them with your payment on the day of pictures.

Brigham Pictures April 13 (Tues)
4:30 – 3&4 Year #1 & #2
5:15 – 5&6 Year Old & 7&8 Year Olds
6:00 – Squad & Teen Prep

Brigham Pictures April 14 (Wed)
4:30 – Tiny Company & Mini Company
5:15 – Teen Company & Jr. Company
6:00 – Jr. Ballroom & Sr. Ballroom
6:30 – Sr. Company

Ogden Pictures April 15 (Thurs)
4:00 – Tues & Wed 3&4 Year Olds
4:45 – Tues & Thurs 5&6 Year Olds
5:30 – Tiny Company & Mini Company
6:15 – Junior Company & Petite Company
7:00 – Jr. Ballroom & Sr. Squad

Ogden Pictures April 16 (Fri)
4:00 – 7&8 Year Olds & Tiny Prep
4:45 – Mini Prep & Hula
5:30 – Jr. Squad & Jr. Prep
6:15 – Jr. Company 2 & Teen Company 2

Ogden Pictures April 17 (Sat)
10:00 – Sr. Company & Teen Company

Updated Performance Info. It is so much fun to have additional performance opportunities and we are excited to be able to support our community events!

Thursday, May 6 - Clearfield High Falcette Revue 6:00 p.m. Be there ready to go by 5:15. Routines: Run, LA Girls, and Fields of Gold. Admission is $5, Children under age 5 are $3.

Monday, May 10 – Fremont High Silverline Showcase 6:00 p.m. Be there ready to go by 5:30. Routines: Friend Like Me, Secret, Bleeding Love. Admission $5 for adults, $4 children & students, age 3 and under are free. Show starts promptly at 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, May 11 - Roy High Royalaires Night to Remember 6:30 p.m. Be there ready to go by 6:00. Routines: Run, Friend Like Me, Ladies Hit the Dance Floor & Jump. Admission is $5 in advance, $6 at the door. Children ages 5 and under are free.

Please COME READY TO PERFORM and be respectful of the school facilities and staff. It is very important that we clean up after ourselves since separate dressing rooms may not be available.

Recital Info.
Recital fee is due with April tuition payment, $25 for one student (6 tickets) $40 for family (10 tickets). Please sign up for the number of tickets you need in the office and specify what night(s) you will be attending. Additional tickets may be purchased for $6 each. Seating is limited so sign up early. Saving of seats will NOT be permitted. Accounts must be current and at a zero balance in order for your dancer to perform at the recital.

Recital Rehearsal on Monday, May 17, @ Val Browning Center Performing Arts at Weber State University for all 3-8 year olds, Squads and Prep Teams. Sr., Teen, Teen Company 2, Jr., & Jr. Company 2 girls are also required to attend to help the younger students.

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. 3 & 4 Year Olds (run routines on stage)
5:00 – 6:00 p.m. all 3-8 year olds, Squads and Prep Teams (FINALE REHEARSAL)
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. 5 & 6 and 7 & 8 Year Olds (run routines on stage)
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Squads (run routines on stage)

3-8 Year Old Recreation, Squads and Prep Team Review will be held Tuesday, May 18, at 6:30 p.m., and the Company review will be held Wednesday, May 19, at 6:30 p.m. for Companies and Company 2 teams. A complete schedule will be posted ahead of time. Some Companies will be performing routines for both shows. We also need Sr., Teen, & Teen Co. 2, Jr., & Jr. Company 2 girls to help Ms. Jerianne with her younger dancers. She will make assisting assignments. Parents will not be allowed in the dressing rooms or backstage. Please send simple snacks and plan to pick up your student after the Finale.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Additional Updates

Production Rehearsal - Tuesday, April 6 (Everyone) 5-7 p.m.

Thursday, May 6 - Clearfield High Drill Performance 6:30 p.m. Be there ready to go by 5:15. Routines: Run, LA Girls, and Fields of Gold. Admission is $5, Children under age 5 are half price.

Date and time TBA - Freemont High Drill Performance
Routines: Friend Like Me, Secret, and Bleeding Love