Friday, March 13, 2009

Important Updates

Hello all,

Apparently there was a gap in the communications, and a physical note did not go home to ballroom parents about our competition schedule change. We apologize for this omission. We are NOT doing Dance for Life as a team, but ARE doing Spotlight Dance Cup March 26, 27, & 28 (Company, Company 2, Prep Teams, Ballroom); Dance Spectacular, April 24 & 25 (Company, Company 2, Prep Teams, Ballroom, Squads); and Thunderstruck, May 1 & 2 (Company, Company 2, Prep Teams, Ballroom).

We would like to emphasize the necessity of reading the Web site regularly. I can't tell you how many people have said how much they love having this available 24/7, whenever you have time to check things after a busy day.

Also, please note, SQUADS are competing at Dance Spectacular.