Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Audition Results

Mikarie Kelsey
Alexe Johnson
Makenzie Gardner
Bailee Barnard
Hailee Payne
Raini Gallegos
Malece Miller
Berklee Moss
Ellie Hadfield
Emily Williams
Meagan Jones
McKaila Carter
Taylor Bell
Bailey Kelsey
Andria Johnson
Hannah Holgate
Jordin White
(Still a few auditioning Thurs, may add to number)

Angie's Thursday Routine
Alexe Johnson
Berklee Moss
Hailee Payne
Raini Gallegos
Bailee Barnard
Malece Miller
Mikarie Kelsey
Makenzie Gardner

These are placements as of now, we may add to WERK, we will also be assigning alternates - There will be an additional WERK routine available at the same class time for those interested. Thanks so much to everyone, you are ALL fantastic! We'll be posting results for the Pulse number by Thursday night. Thanks!! Mandy