Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Liz Imperio routine

Below are the girls that are being invited to do Liz Imperio’s routine. This routine will be set either Monday, August 24, and Tuesday, August 25; or Wednesday, August 26 and Thursday, August 27. Girls MUST be available during these times. Girls must also commit to attend the Pulse in Las Vegas November 21 & 22. Choreography fee is $125 per dancer, and it is due the first day the routine is set.
Deadline for the Pulse is August 18, and competition and convention fees MUST be paid by this date.
We will also be competing this routine at all comps. We need to know by Friday, August 7, if you are willing and able to commit to this routine.
Alix Cardon
Amber Hartman
Amber Williams
Andria Johnson
Aspen Wayment
Bailey Barnard
Becka Johnson
Berklee Moss
Cambre Roberts
Ellie Hadfield
Emily Williams
Hailee Payne
Hannah Holgate
Jaiden Bauer
Jaycee Gray
Jordin White
Kara Hamblin
Kristing Yu      
Kya McFarland
Kylie Allen
Lauren Butterfield
Marysa Salas
McKaila Carter
Mikeling Yu
Savannah Kemp
Teyler Hawkes